Here it seems that you have happened upon my blog, my little place on the internet to share my thoughts about anything beauty,fashion and maybe even sometimes a cheeky bit of lifestyle. I have decided to join the many young girls seeking to begin a successful beauty/fashion blog! However for me I just intend this to be a hobby. somewhere to escape from the realms of reality into the heaven-like world of fashion and beauty; a place a which I feel almost too at home.
Now for the irrelevant, egotistical part of this post - about myself (don't worry I shall try to make it short and sweet) I am a 15 year old avid blog and youtube watcher/reader, I am Yorkshire born and Yorkshire bred and I am currently entering my last year of high school. While I do not intend to have a future in fashion/beauty as I said previously, it is a hobby of mine and I thought that creating my own blog would be a fantastic way of procrastinating through exam revision time!
Now with the awkward welcomes out of the way - I hope that your first impressions are good and that you would like to stay tuned for my first real beauty related blog post. So grab yourself a cup of rosie lee (or coffee if you prefer) and come on; come join me in my beauty blog adventures!
Tarra (that's goodbye in Yorkshire speak;))
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